Postnatal Essentials
Are you soon to be a parent and wanting to prepare for the arrival of your little one? So you can feel even more confident, knowing that you have practical knowledge and have also given some thought to preparing emotionally too.
Preparation for birth is now (thankfully) widely available, however sometimes couples mention how they wish they been able to prepare themselves alittle more for the early days of parenting. In our modern society, coming home from the hospital with our new child might be the first time we’ve ever been asked to look after a baby. It can feel like a whole new world of knowledge to soak up, alongside the emotional/physical shifts that can accompany the postnatal period.
All babies and family dynamics are of course unique, though there is some basic knowledge that can help ease this incredible ride in the early days, as you get to know your little one. This course has been designed to support you to feel confident in knowing you have knowledge of these basics – so you can embrace the wonder of the early days of parenthood.
Where all your questions are relevant and nothing’s too silly – how to do up a nappy anyone?! While there are essentials that we cover, this course is bespoke to you and is tailored to your needs.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Checking in with your your feeling and how that ties into physical/emotional/hormonal health after birth
Feeding – breast or bottle?
Baby centred or routines?
Calming your baby
Reading your babies cues
Poos and nappies
Shifts in relationship and parenting styles
Calming practices for parents
A chance to ask any questions or focus on particular aspects.
This course can be taken before your baby arrives, or you’re welcome to come with your baby once they are here (we are of course breastfeeding friendly during sessions).
Feel free to book in a clarity call if you’d like to chat through anything before.
2 hours
At Shala or Online